Fagus | The Photos
I don’t usually post a whole bunch of photos of the same thing… But it’s my party and I’ll cry if I want… Not that I did any crying, because I bloody love it up in this part of the world. 21st April – Nothofagus gunii – Mount Field National Park If you want to know more about Fagus, check out the post from a few days ago: Nothofagus gunnii | Tasmanian Autumn
Nothofagus gunnii | Tasmanian Autumn
Nothofagus gunnii | Tasmanian Autumn Tasmania is not the first place you think of when you think of the reds, golds and yellows of Autumn leaves spattering the landscape. North American forests are probably the ones that first come to mind. Maples, Aspens, Birch, Beech, Oaks and Ash, all producing vast forests of varying hues of colour. Tasmania isn’t like that. We may not have vast swathes of autumn coloured forests, however the one plant…
Mount Misery | No it’s not
Mount Misery? The naming of mountains is an odd thing. Why this amazing patch of wet forest has been named in a such a way that infers it will be the worst day out imaginable I do not know. Perhaps the person who did the honours of naming it was in a really crappy mood when they were there. Maybe it rained on them and they got a few leeches on their legs. When they…
Tasmanian Field Naturalists Club | Yes you should
Aprils outing with the Field Naturalists of Tasmania took us back to New Town Falls. The family and I were up there not that long ago, so I won’t go into detail about the logistics of the walk and where it is and all that stuff. If you are interested you can go and read about it here – New Town falls | Sun and Thunder As you may, or may not know, I have been…

Mount Misery | Still Not Miserable
Tas Field Nats ascend upon Mount Misery What a marvellous Sunday was spent wandering the tracks at Mount Misery with an equally marvellous group of people. The Field Nats last visited Mount Misery in 2018, you can read about it here. That post will give you some info on the walks and how to get there. I won’t bother repeating myself. I’m efficient like that… Back in 2018 I was going through a pretty strong fungi phase. Can’t remember if that was before or after my orchid one. Potentially…

Herbarium | Day Ten
We found this weird Stellaria up in the central plateau a while back. We didn’t really notice it was weird at first. We just kinda went ‘it’s a Stellaria, it’s probably just S. multiflora’ and then moved along looking for what we were there looking for. Which was a Senecio and some Carex. Anyways, I took some photos, because it was really cute and planned to just ID it later. Turns out, that Stellaria multiflora (both subspecies) don’t actually have flowers. Well they do, but they don’t. They don’t…

Three months later…
I always have the best intentions to keep posting regularly and updating parts of the site, but something always slides. I blame summer. I am not a fan of summer, and the sun and the hotness. I react to summer like most people seem to react to winter, with dread and moaning. Although I do try and moan as little as possible. It is fun at first, playing on the beach and not worrying if you forget a jumper, but the novelty wears off really fast…