Tasmanian Field Naturalists Club

Sometimes known as the Tas Field Nats, we are comprised of both amateurs and professionals who share a common interest in the natural world.

Experts in a particular topic not only pass on their knowledge to others, but find themselves learning about related aspects of their particular interest. The only requirement of members is an active interest in the natural world.

The club was formed in 1904, and we are associated with other Field Naturalist Clubs throughout Tasmania and beyond.

Head on over and join up as a member. Then come along to our events and have a wonderful time nerding out on all things nature.

In Defense of Plants

It would seem that most people don’t pay any attention to plants unless they are pretty or useful in some way. I reject this reality outright. Plants are everything on this planet. They have this amazing ability to use our nearest star to break apart water and CO2 gas in order to grow and reproduce. From the smallest duckweed to the tallest redwood, the botanical world is full of amazing evolutionary stories. I am here to tell those stories. My name is Matt Candeias and I am obsessed with the botanical world. In Defense of Plants is my way of sharing that love with you.