Two Huts and an Ice Skating Rink

Last week myself and a couple of buddies, who for the purpose of conformity across this post shall remain nameless, went off on our first Hut Hunting expedition on a mountain close to Hobart, which shall also remain nameless. No names or locations in this post shall be used, and if you ask me for directions I shall have to decline to answer you. A bit mean of me I know, considering I am actually…

Red tide that is blue

Lately we have been seeing blooms of Noctiluca scintillans lighting up the beaches in southern Tasmania. Not every beach, everywhere, yet there has been a particularly fantastic bloom happening down at South arm beach. I was out aurora hunting with my buddies Matt and Learna last Friday night when we noticed the neon glow along the waves at Lauderdale in Ralph’s bay. Unfortunately the tide was way out which meant trudging through the sand flats…

Why I don’t like you butchering my photos

Perhaps butchering is a harsh word. Not all people butcher, but there is a huge tendency to crop and edit. When I say edit I really mean add Instagram filters or other various phone app effects to my shots. Look. I understand that Instagram and facey profile pics are square, so some amount of cropping will happen. There are ways around that, such as the ‘squarerea dy’ app which makes them square without making them…



Tasmanian Flora

An Ongoing Project

The Chronicles

The Bloggy Bit

Mount Misery | Still Not Miserable

Tas Field Nats ascend upon Mount Misery What a marvellous Sunday was spent wandering the tracks at Mount Misery with an equally marvellous group of people. The Field Nats last visited Mount Misery in 2018, you can read about it here. That post will give you some info on the walks and how to get there. I won’t bother repeating myself. I’m efficient like that… Back in 2018 I was going through a pretty strong fungi phase. Can’t remember if that was before or after my orchid one. Potentially…

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Herbarium | Day Ten

We found this weird Stellaria up in the central plateau a while back. We didn’t really notice it was weird at first. We just kinda went ‘it’s a Stellaria, it’s probably just S. multiflora’ and then moved along looking for what we were there looking for. Which was a Senecio and some Carex. Anyways, I took some photos, because it was really cute and planned to just ID it later. Turns out, that Stellaria multiflora (both subspecies) don’t actually have flowers. Well they do, but they don’t. They don’t…

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Mergin Maps | Data Collecting for the Win

Do you data? I love collecting data. Some might say I have a bit of a strange relationship with timing, counting, plotting and collecting information in relation to things I do. Don’t get me wrong, I can do a task without monitoring these things, although it’s not my ideal way. I acknowledge that not all data is useful, or beneficial, and at times, it may be rather pointless to collect. However I like useless information as well as useful information. I don’t discriminate. Aside from collecting…

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