Lake Belcher Track | With No Lake

The Day Ten Project Recently I switched to a nine day fortnight at work, leaving the tenth day for exploring and botanising. Today I decided to wander out past Wombat Moor along the Lake Belcher Track up at Mount Field National Park. Even though Lake Belcher is meant to be only a few hours walk, naturally I only made it halfway, because…. plants…. One day I would like to get that far. Perhaps I need…

Photographing Nature | Nicely

What constitutes the perfect nature photo? Is it the detail and the sharpness? The composition? The balance of colour and light or the way they interact? Perhaps it is all those things and no doubt you will come up with a whole range of different factors which contribute to creating the perfect image. In reality there is no perfect image. There is perfect to you, perfect to me and perfect to them, but chances are…

Happy (serrated tussock) Days | The Four Legged Fonz

Those who know me, know I am not really much of a dog person. When I encounter dogs of any shape or size, I tend to immediately protect my throat, in fear they will go straight for it. When I am out in the bush I always have one ear out, listening for that pack of wild dogs which could be silently moving through the scrub hunting me down. There is no real life basis…

Shadow Lake in the snow

There is something rather special about snow covered landscapes. Everyone loves them, well, everyone seems to love them in some capacity. Even if they aren’t fans of being cold, or the potential risk of being cold, they still have a love for snowy mountains and frozen lakes. I’m one of those people who love being in the cold, preferably with thermals and an array of warm clothing so I am not actually cold, however it…



Tasmanian Flora

An Ongoing Project

The Chronicles

The Bloggy Bit

Woodvine Wandering | Day Ten

Woodvine Nature Reserve Out the back of Forcett is a 377 hectare property which is managed by the Parks and Wildlife Service as a nature reserve. It was donated to the crown a little while back by the landowner, Ernie Shaw. He understood the importance of what he had on his land. Not simply that it is significant habitat for a range of species and ecological communities which are under threat, but because he could see the amount of land clearing going on within the area. Woodvine would not…

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Aurora Australis | What The HECK

It would be negligent of me to not acknowledge the massive reaction of charged particles which recently got ejected from the sun and reacted with the various gases in the atmosphere… Or what is commonly referred to as the Aurora Australis. Holy freaking shit balls. That was the most insane sky I have ever seen. Granted, over the past few years I haven’t really spent much time out after dark chasing auroras. However, in the years that I did (and the stupid amount of time I gave up sleeping…

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Styx with Boots and Beams

I totally love the world. The world where there aren’t people. Not that I don’t like people, people are good value and can be highly entertaining at times, but I really really really love the world where plants and bugs and stuff outnumber the people. Having said that, there were people involved in today, but not like loads of people, just my people. My adventure people, 2 little ones and a big one, and me, so in reality 4 little ones… Our destination was as far…

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