The Chronicles

Milles Track | Mt Wellington | Spring snow

September 17, 2017

Milles Track | Mt Wellington | Spring snow I have literally only left the house once in the past 8 days, and that was for a two hour uni prac where I got to measure metabolic rates of meal worms……

Mount Sprent | Mud | Thylacines

September 4, 2017

I walked up a mountain on Saturday and I managed to talk the entire way. This indicates to me that my fitness has greatly improved over the last few months. Last time I walked up a mountain I couldn’t hold…

Cape Hauy and the Antechinus

April 10, 2017

I haven’t spent a lot of time down at the Tasman Peninsula. A few trips here and there to try and get an aurora at the Tessellated Pavement, a trip to Port Arthur with my daughters grade 5 class, and…

TFGC #3 | Holy cheese balls

March 7, 2017

Saturday we had a little open mat in Launceston. However it was so much more than a little open mat. It was a freaking amazing open mat! With a whole bunch of equally freaking amazing women from all over Tasmania.…

Tasmanian Female Grappling Collective

January 13, 2017

Late last year Jess Fraser came down to Tassie to hold an Australian Girls in Gi (AGIG) open mat. As usual it was a fantastic day hanging out with chicks from other clubs and having a roll and a laugh…

The Disappeared Tarn…

November 11, 2016

The Disappearing Tarn is a fickle little tarn that appears on the mountain (Mount Wellington) every so often. After really heavy rains or a big snow melt, the bouldery depression fills up with crystal clear blue waters, and lasts for…

Western wilderness wandering

July 15, 2016

Not a huge amount of wandering on our last trip up the west coast. There was a bit, as much as can be possible at times with small children and not so small children. This time we really had no…

Jellyfish – the launching

June 23, 2016

Wednesday night saw the launch of Lisa Ann Gershwin’s latest book ‘Jellyfish – A natural history’. Described as a coffee table book it is really more than that. It has the impression of a coffee table book, in that it is…

Fungi season is here…

June 7, 2016

Mind you, I have been so caught up with uni and trying to pass and learn all the things that I have hardly had anytime to go and crawl around with the leeches and see what I can see. I…

Growling Swallet

March 20, 2016

Growling Swallet is one of the deepest cave systems in Tasmania at about 360m, coming in a close second from Niggly caves which just wins with 375m. It is part of the Florentine-Junee karst area and it pretty damn spectacular. As…