The Chronicles

Drosera | Miniature carnivores

April 2, 2018

At the start of the year I inherited a bunch of carnivorous plants from a good friend. Venus Fly Traps, Nepenthes and some Sarracenia with Drosera growing amongst them. I’ve not grown carnivorous plants before, maybe a Venus Fly Trap…

New Town falls | Sun and Thunder 

January 28, 2018

Saturday (a week x 2 ago) I made a decision that every weekend we would all go for a walk somewhere.  Make it a family thing each week, rain, hail or shine. Usually I go off wandering on my own…

Brachyglottis brunonis

December 10, 2017

After years of walking and playing on Mt Wellington, this is the first time I have found this in flower. I remember talking with Mark Wapstra one day in late 2015 whilst on an Orchid foray about this plant. I…

Short and sweet | Sphinx Rock

October 1, 2017

Quick little trip out to Sphinx Rock today up on Mount Wellington. I really have no idea how may minutes it is along the Lenah Valley track from the Springs. Mainly because I never bothered to look. And everytime I…

Milles Track | Mt Wellington | Spring snow

September 17, 2017

Milles Track | Mt Wellington | Spring snow I have literally only left the house once in the past 8 days, and that was for a two hour uni prac where I got to measure metabolic rates of meal worms……

Mount Sprent | Mud | Thylacines

September 4, 2017

I walked up a mountain on Saturday and I managed to talk the entire way. This indicates to me that my fitness has greatly improved over the last few months. Last time I walked up a mountain I couldn’t hold…

Cape Hauy and the Antechinus

April 10, 2017

I haven’t spent a lot of time down at the Tasman Peninsula. A few trips here and there to try and get an aurora at the Tessellated Pavement, a trip to Port Arthur with my daughters grade 5 class, and…

TFGC #3 | Holy cheese balls

March 7, 2017

Saturday we had a little open mat in Launceston. However it was so much more than a little open mat. It was a freaking amazing open mat! With a whole bunch of equally freaking amazing women from all over Tasmania.…

Tasmanian Female Grappling Collective

January 13, 2017

Late last year Jess Fraser came down to Tassie to hold an Australian Girls in Gi (AGIG) open mat. As usual it was a fantastic day hanging out with chicks from other clubs and having a roll and a laugh…

The Disappeared Tarn…

November 11, 2016

The Disappearing Tarn is a fickle little tarn that appears on the mountain (Mount Wellington) every so often. After really heavy rains or a big snow melt, the bouldery depression fills up with crystal clear blue waters, and lasts for…