Woodvine Wandering | Day Ten

Woodvine Nature Reserve Out the back of Forcett is a 377 hectare property which is managed by the Parks and Wildlife Service as a nature reserve. It was donated to the crown a little while back by the landowner, Ernie Shaw. He understood the importance of what he had on his land. Not simply that it is significant habitat for a range of species and ecological communities which are under threat, but because he could…

Aurora Australis | What The HECK

It would be negligent of me to not acknowledge the massive reaction of charged particles which recently got ejected from the sun and reacted with the various gases in the atmosphere… Or what is commonly referred to as the Aurora Australis. Holy freaking shit balls. That was the most insane sky I have ever seen. Granted, over the past few years I haven’t really spent much time out after dark chasing auroras. However, in the…

Mergin Maps | Data Collecting for the Win

Do you data? I love collecting data. Some might say I have a bit of a strange relationship with timing, counting, plotting and collecting information in relation to things I do. Don’t get me wrong, I can do a task without monitoring these things, although it’s not my ideal way. I acknowledge that not all data is useful, or beneficial, and at times, it may be rather pointless to collect. However I like useless information…

Mount Cameron | Field Nats and Granite

Easter spent the right way I have written about the Tas Field Nats Club before, a couple of times (here and here), and now I am writing about them again. This time in relation to the Easter Camp at Mount Cameron. Field Nat Easter Camps started way back in the early 1900’s, when they used to load up the horses and carts with big giant tents, and all the women had on their corsets and…



Tasmanian Flora

An Ongoing Project

The Chronicles

The Bloggy Bit

Woodvine Wandering | Day Ten

Woodvine Nature Reserve Out the back of Forcett is a 377 hectare property which is managed by the Parks and Wildlife Service as a nature reserve. It was donated to the crown a little while back by the landowner, Ernie Shaw. He understood the importance of what he had on his land. Not simply that it is significant habitat for a range of species and ecological communities which are under threat, but because he could see the amount of land clearing going on within the area. Woodvine would not…

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Aurora Australis | What The HECK

It would be negligent of me to not acknowledge the massive reaction of charged particles which recently got ejected from the sun and reacted with the various gases in the atmosphere… Or what is commonly referred to as the Aurora Australis. Holy freaking shit balls. That was the most insane sky I have ever seen. Granted, over the past few years I haven’t really spent much time out after dark chasing auroras. However, in the years that I did (and the stupid amount of time I gave up sleeping…

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Cape Hauy and the Antechinus

I haven’t spent a lot of time down at the Tasman Peninsula. A few trips here and there to try and get an aurora at the Tessellated Pavement, a trip to Port Arthur with my daughters grade 5 class, and I think that pretty much sums it up it since I was a kid. I figured that since I would be spending 2 days down at Fortescue bay with uni doing ecology stuff I may as well go down early and head out to Cape Hauy…

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