Epacris impressa

Epacris impressa

Common Heath

Usual habitat/distribution:
Very common in dry heath, open forests.

Not listed

August – November

Medium sized shrub which is highly variable in leaf and flower size and length and flower colour with white to pink and deep pink flowers.
Flower is a long tube shape with distinctive dimples at the base. Flowers are solitary from leaf axils and concentrated towards the end of the branch.
Leaves are alternately arranged and are narrow and sharply pointed.

One comment

  1. Your blog is fully great. Thanks for sharing your knowledge and experiences. I sure hope Parks took action to trap those 🐈 on Mt Wellington but if they did I spose others would move in.
    I guess that was at least 7 or 8 years ago eh? If Erica was only 9. Cheers

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